Festival Asylum started as an excuse to set up all our stuff in a venue, invite a few bands along and 'do our own event' after providing lots of our equipment and time to other peoples. It was a success and Festival Asylum was born!
We are now a travelling music venue/event/show and everything inbetween with a wealth of experience in events and are dedicated to creating a great atmosphere and environment to be in for musicians and audience alike along with a passion for new music and introducing as many people to it as we can, promoting the artists and bands we know and love and also the new one's we meet along the way.
All photos used across the site are from the ever generous Jerry Tye Photography*
Who we thank deeply for his tireless coverage of our events, documenting our journey so far and also capturing a lot on film, go and check his youtube channel out here
*doesn't include artists promo shots except Mari Joyce, Murphys Lore and Twisted Routes
Festival Asylum is run by JJ Goodwin & Alex Patterson.
We'd both like to give thanks to the following people, without their help over the last 4 years and their continued support we wouldn't be where we are today. Paul Preston Mills, Iestyn Griffith,
Matt Collyer, Joey Sheen,Christina Alden, Matt McKee and loads more of our extended friends and family who have helped us in the past and keep supporting us along the way. And thank you George for designing our new logo :)